Here are a few highlights fom the Wirelect year 2012:
But more important than these stats and events is the contribution made by the community that reads and posts on this blog.
I would like to thank everyone who has read and/or posted on the Wirelect site during 2012 and I hope you will continue to do so during 2013!
We are a small community, but we care about our dialect and our linguistic culture and that is why we congregate here. I will continue to do my best to research the Warrington dialect and its linguistic history, and I will share my findings, insights and ideas on here with you all.
Lastly, I would like to thank a couple of members of this community for their contribution:
Tim: Thanks for your comments, I would really like to hear more of your opinions :-)
David Ball: Thank you, David, for your unending support via Radio Warrington and activity on here and the Facebook page :-)
Yorick: You are a mine of linguistic and cultural information, I wish you realised it more :-)
Totty Teabag: Like me, you left the town physically, but still hold it in your heart :-)
And finally, Gaynor: thank you for your constant support, contributions, and opinions. You are the heart of this community, and the entire town should be proud of you! :-)
Thank you! All the best for 2013.